Community Collaboration: Includes Businesses

As a nonprofit corporate entity, Wallingford Public Access Association, Inc. is dedicated to providing all manner of support for the creation and distribution of noncommercial community media. Noncommercial doesn’t mean there is a blackout on the use of ‘Community TV’ resources by for-profit businesses. The ‘no can do’ is literally no commercials: videos with calls to action for sales or free consultations, testimonials, or other vehicles to promote a business specifically to create sales.

Businesses have stories to share about their history, founders, champions among their employees, community collaborations, and mission, all of which are important stories to be shared with our community. Thriving local business is important to the health and well-being of our community overall.

Check out these video links to business collaborations: Promoting downtown WCI Annual Holiday Stroll Invitation, Holiday Greetings for local service providers, and nonprofits.

For-profit companies can afford Media Services. Providing video services at no charge to businesses is not part of our mission. However, collaboration and distribution of stories that are not designed to sell products are within our mission. Businesses can participate in initiatives such as our annual Holiday Greetings Program and the show CommUnity Conversations.

Registered businesses may use resources with the same conditions as residents creating their own informational content. And nonprofit businesses can apply for our ‘Continuing the Mission’ initiative for which we dedicate our staff resources to develop video content for TV and social media. Any business with a footprint in Wallingford may request use of our tools & stage and volunteers to promote programs benefiting some segment of Wallingford.


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