Are you a performer? Can you juggle, recite, sing, dance? We believe Performance Speech is the richest kind.
Contact us to determine how you can use studioW to create performance TV as part of Destination Station. Use this Email Or just drop by Mon-Tues-Wed for OPEN studioW (reservations have priority)
Who is Welcome: Ensembles. New Plays. Readers’ Theater. And More …
studioW space is available 1st come, 1st serve. Use as BlackBox or green screen stage. The teleprompter is optional. Audience capacity 50. Theater productions are responsible for lighting and audio crew. studioW Use Fee: Zero.
The Backyard Theater Ensemble uses studioW for rehearsals and promotional videos.
Hole In The Wall Theater is their performance space.
Performance Speech is the richest kind of Social Action Art
Adele Houton
The use of studioW for performance began in 2011. Initially, use was limited to TV but with more support from the community, we no longer have that restriction. In 2019 performance use of studioW was untethered from the ‘Make TV’ requirements. LIVE Streams and use of space for just rehearsal are valid reservation reasons for studioW. However, Make TV still has priority if there is a reservation conflict.
Our 1st performance evening in February 2010 may still have been the best.