Make a movie about a Wallingford Person, Place or Thing.

Extended to June 30. Details here.
To register for the current challenge cycle go here.
Each cycle will have different video challenge requirements: An image and a few lines. Lines can be included in your videos in several ways. They can be spoken or sung in the audio or appear in a graphic. One of the two challenge lines MUST be included to qualify. If you use both lines, more points are awarded during judging.
We publish the 3-Minute Movie challenge image and lines 3 times a year. We attempt to coordinate challenge cycles with school breaks. We will acknowledge all participants with a score in each cycle. Presenting awards will be part of our annual Celebration of Voices Event in January. Audience judging will happen in advance of the January Celebration. Prizes will be coordinated with winners and local businesses.
How to submit your movie
Transfer your video to us at using tools like google drive or Dropbox. If you made it with your phone send it in messenger to Freeman P Quinn.
Eligibility: Residents & Friends of WPAA-TV
As with all things WPAA-TV, Wallingford residency is automatic eligibility. Our friends are eligible too. Who is a friend? Friends of Freeman P Quinn and Followers of the WPAATV in social media. All registrants will be added to our contacts and free Newsletter subscription as subscribed.
Styling Your Movie
Your movie can be in any style from 1-shot or highly produced. The story can be an oral history, documentary, news report, or video essay. You can even produce a music video, animation, or stop-action film. You decide. It can be about memories, new experiences, feelings, and family. It can be a parody. It can be a discovery of your personal space.
IMPORTANT: Your movie will be disqualified if any copyright is violated. Whatever is not original must be credited.
Tools for Movie Making
Music: Be careful about the music you use. It must not violate copyright. YouTube has a library of free music.
Cameras: We will loan cameras to registered participants for up to one week, longer if needed.
Editing: We can assign you access to a simple cloud editor, WeVideo. Here is some information about it. WeVideo
Check ‘interested’ on your registration form and we will get back to you with login details or send an email to
What is a 1-SHOT movie?
With a camera you own, or with your smartphone, record your entire movie from start to finish with no additional editing. Push Record. Film. End Record. Review. Decide: Submit or Do Again.
If using your phone, hold it horizontally.
Challenge lines can be spoken or shown.
Plan your movie. Maybe you or your team designed titles & credits. Maybe a ‘wide shot to zoom in’ could use a bit of practice. Do you have enough lighting? Are there predictable sounds you want to avoid or include? Do you have a new poem or song? What DIY projects are you doing? Tell us in a video story.
STORY: If someone videotapes you sitting in a chair telling a good story, there is less camera technique involved. But you could win ‘best story.’ You might need to share the prize with the person holding the camera for you. We love a good story. Prizes for storytelling can be added to the other prizes or be won independently.
COMMUNITY JUDGING: All movies submitted to the contest will be posted on our YouTube Channel.
OUR JUDGES: Points will be given for the creative use of the challenge lines. More lines, more points. And the rest is about making movies such as camera techniques, creativity, and storytelling. Humor is good too.
There are PRIZES for movie-making and for promoting the challenge to movie-makers.
We ask for your age at registration. If registration is high, we will use ‘Age-clusters’ to add more prizes so tell your friends.
There are PRIZES for movie-making and for promoting the challenge to movie-makers.
PRIZES: You tell us which local Wallingford Business or local charity will share in your win. Your choice. We will tell them an award-winning Movie Maker is a patron or supporter. A gift certificate will be processed for you or a donation made in your name.
RANDOM PRIZES THROUGHOUT. Will you be selected? Must make a movie to win.