We believe stories are the best way to make a difference in our world and conversations promote positive action.

As a volunteer-run organization, nearly everything we do is fueled by volunteers. WPAA-TV volunteers create and share in the public interest. They manage the day-to-day and the long-term plans. Some volunteers teach, participate in projects, or help manage the building. Media Making is at the core of what we do together.

Not all Users are volunteers. Using community resources to do your thing is not volunteering. You can create whatever media you desire: opinion, ‘all about me”, or horror movies. Some Users mingle what they are passionate about with ‘media-making’ in service to our broader mission: These Users can be volunteers. When what you create is done IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST, it can be used for student or other community service credit. That said, “The opportunities are endless.”

User or Volunteer starts the same way. How to begin? Send an email query to Freeman with your idea. Be aware, that if you call us first, we will ask you to follow up with an email with your contact information and interests.


A forever gift to the world of young readers: 6000 Books (Available on @wpaaTV YouTube

Team Hercules Youth lead the way. Lend your voice, learn to edit video.

Our get-to-know-the-tools project has youth producing video versions of the United Nations 6000 Stories. 6000 Books  There are multilingual opportunities. Participants select a story to read and animate. This initiative is eligible for community service credit AFTER training. Training depends on prior experience. It can be as little as 1 hour. This is also a good media service project for scout troops or other youth clubs.

Helping Judith: Reaching Thousands of Listeners: Anyone Can Listen & Share

Listen to this holocaust survivor story. It is a 55 minute listen. Write a reflection about what you learned and how you felt from your listening experience. We use reflections to promote listening to this story by others. Judith will be glad you did. A listen and short comment proving that you listened is 1 hour of HS community service credit. A useable reflection is more credit.
Judith has a goal of 100,000 youth listeners. Judith is in her 90s. Before recording this conversation she had spoken to 70,000 youth. We are helping with the TV and podcast versions of her story. Why is this community service? You can tell us in your reflection.

As Told Here WPAA-TV Podcasts: Chaptering (Remote Volunteer Opportunity- All Ages)

Video Production: A 3-Minute Movie, Make TV, reMake TV

Check out the ongoing 3-Minute Movie opportunity. Producing a short movie can take between 3 to 30 hours. It is an excellent way to complete a high school capstone project. If your project is for credit, you must log your tasks & hours. Register here. Tell us it is for Community Service. Check out this community service movie created by Team Hercules in 2021.

Make TV:  Organize a talent show or poetry slam. Interview someone who has a great story. Express – Show – Perform. Producing TV can take between 2 and 20 hours. Did you make your show’s graphics? Did you do promotion?

re-Make TV: Reproduce a video recorded by a community organization. Help turn an ‘as it happened’ recording into a ‘concise evergreen’ video production. Many of the videos captured on live calls, or in hybrid meetings, include content specific to the event ‘as it happens’, technical glitch interruptions, presentations with hums, thought words, and extraneous mentions by the presenter(s). Reproduction is time-consuming. Three to four hours can easily be spent to ‘reproduce’ a 30-minute segment. Some assignments can be done remotely with our WeVideo tool. These assignments are for youth with a serious interest in digital media. Here is an example of a 90-minute forum reproduced as 16 minutes of highlights: Anti-Hate Forum

Find the current initiatives here.  Reach out to us at Freeman@wpaatv  We will plan based on your skills and current requests from others for help from us.

Our #BeTheMedia Facebook Group has skill development tips here. You will find tips about discerning ‘Fact’ from ‘Fake’ content, video production, scripting, and more.

Do you want an Internship designed around your goals?
[Rarely a Paid Position] We proudly share our intern list here.

Is your interest in video production, film-making, graphics, journalism, or business? If yes, we can help you meet your personal goals. In the applicant interview, we review your skill level and development goals. We call these your “reel interest”. Together we determine if we can devise a plan to move forward. Staff will match you to projects and volunteer teams that can provide related skill development opportunities.

WHEN: What is your availability? Best time of day or evening. That becomes key to the plan. Many Interns work with us concurrently with other nonprofits, civic or performance projects.

High School: WPAA-TV is an approved Community Service placement for Wallingford High Schools. For details about opportunities check out this page. A creative way to fulfill requirements: Produce a 3-Minute Movie. Production opportunities occur three times a year. Check out this page to see if a movie challenge is happening now. Or be a Producer of your own TV show. Check out the details here.
CONNECTING: We coordinate with interns using email. Write us. But you can just drop by to get this ball rolling.

You work with your college advisor to earn college credit for internships with us. Internships for credit are college courses. Our staff holds graduate degrees required to supervise Interns. Several colleges have placed interns with us:

  • Quinnipiac University (Communications and e-Media)
  • Middlesex Community College – Humanities Division
  • Albertus Magnus College
  • Film & Television Sacred-Heart University Graduate Program
  • University of New Haven
  • Southern CT State University

Other Interns have participated without college credit. We welcome anyone desiring hands-on experience.

Policy: Producers can not supervise Interns. No Producer can represent that they are qualified supervisors for any interns with approved placements at WPAA-TV.

All interns are supervised by WPAA-TV staff. While a wealth of knowledge, a Producer is never a supervisor.