A Civic Conversation Program – A Gap Exists

Community Access TV is called vanity TV by some, the electronic soapbox by others and sometimes the ‘church channel’ given the predominance of religion-oriented programming. I like the change Wallingford’s Public Access Channel is trying to make to become WPAA Community Building TV.

The Community Building theme evolved when the organization sought to find and own an in-town building to control long-term expenses. The first location volunteers attempted to purchase was literally OnTheParadeGround and is the inspiration for this program’s concept: a regular program about bringing sunshine to local topics of interest.

This far, absent from locally produced programs is one that features facilitated civic conversation related to Wallingford specific issues. My original post in March 2008 was too optimistic because the community does not understand why they have a community TV station.

So I remind anyone that makes a connection with this blog that this kind of program needs a host and crew that can put the community before their personal interests. It is a show that needs a team of people that can see the potential of community building.

Anyone out there interested in being part of such a team can reach us (no longer active)

I am looking forward to being a guest on this show when I return home.

OtPG Host

While I am away—open invitation to guest host

So do you have a passion for the 1st Amendment, live or play in Wallingford and want to help build the free speech community here, if so send a note to wpaa@7TownTV.org and maybe you can guest host this show while I am in on a faraway island?

I also want to share that I am on this Island with a very welcome map I have due to the generosity of Comcast. C0mcast distributed world maps to local education representatives at Advisory Councils over a year ago. Last month, I was able to secure the last one provided to CACSCC. It will be starting class with me at Manu’a High School on Ta’u Island. The yellow arrows on the map point to Wallingford, CT and Ta’u and Comcast. A World Map was on the wish list for one of last years’ teacher volunteers.

July – Global Volunteers from Wallingford

Between my 9-month volunteer teaching experience in Cape Town, So. Africa and Pago Pago, Samoa for 1 year beginning this July, I have joined the theater collective Royal Pyngwyn as resident playwright/artistic director. It has been a busy two months culminating in the world premiere of my play

Cracked Upon a Time.

Click here for more: http://www.royalpyngwyn.com/

One of the themes explored in that play is … the nature of time’s passing and the certain inevitability of conclusion.

As part of my transition from this theater project and my next placement, I hope to talk with a few volunteers from Wallingford about global volunteering. To chat about how we can make our experience life beyond their conclusions. I think some of our stories may be of interest to others so I would like to roll tape – so to speak – while we chat for this program.

Can you join me? Contact me at WPAA@7towntv.org. I will try to coordinate the particulars after the 30th.

On The Parade Ground 2008 to 2012

What better day to start a TV show about bringing sunshine to local topics of interest than the day after we lose an hour of sleep in the preservation of daylight. On the Parade Ground is planned to be a forum for gathering knowledge about topics of public interest.



Callers will be encouraged to share their knowledge, brainstorm ideas, and suggest if/then scenarios. The program will be facilitated by a resident of Wallingford. On the Parade Ground, the facilitator and crew will try to synthesize the topic in TV shorts that will run on WPAA’s Bulletin Board. The discussion will hopefully build on each other. One topic may lead to another On the Parade Ground theme.


This is not intended to be an opinion program it is intended to be an informing program. Citizens can have expert knowledge or stories that can help to identify things that are good and should be preserved, things that are hurting, and can be modified or uplifted or things that need to be eradicated. The program’s first topic will be about the Parade Ground itself and the building on the Parade Ground identified for both restoration and demolition.
The telephone lines will open at 7:35 PM. Callers will have 2 minutes if the phone lines are busy. Longer if the host finds the information truly ‘informing’. The program is scheduled for 30 minutes. On the Parade Ground is intended to be public discourse TV. Come by the station call-in: 203 294-9722 Join us if you have an informing story to share or insightful facts. For those with strong opinions on the topics – use this blog. Join us on Monday at 7:30 PM On the Parade Ground…Cable 18 in Wallingford to discuss just what a parade ground is anyway!!!
WPAA Community Building Team

On the Parade Ground will be re-telecast on a regular weekly schedule:
Monday thru Friday at 6:30 PM
on Wallingford Comcast Cable 18- WPAA. Internet TV viewers will be able to see the program soon via a link at 7TownTV.org on the Wallingford pages.

The program will display the igive.com keyword WPAA portal call to action fundraising information for the WPAA CommunityBuilding project

Fundraising for local non-profits is not commercial use of the television station it is a community use of the station.

2010 We Make TV on Mondays

April 5th our guests are Thomas Jastermsky and avid supporters of a local initiative with a global reach that got its start on our Parade Ground: Holy Joe’s Cafe. Join us to discover how sharing a cup of coffee can bring a sense of peace in places of war.
More info: http://www.holyjoescafe.blogspot.com/

April 12th our guest is one of the community’s spiritual mothers, Nancy Freyberg of Parents & Kids Foundation. A candid conversation about making connections in the service of others. So many of you have broken bread with her…community meals and generational stories.

April 19th our guests, Sally Smith and Betty Berger, have stories of about making dreams come true and the inspiration that now creates everlasting smiles for Seniors by making fresh memories.
More info: www.seniorshavedreams.org

May 3rd our guest will share the latest about Relay for Life – how Wallingford participates in an international movement to end cancer.

With the following replay schedule

Replays Schedule-
Monday 9:30-10:00 PM
Tuesday: 7:30-8 PM
Wednesday: 1:30-2 PM
Friday: 4:30-5 PM
Saturday: 5-5:30 PM
Sunday: 11-11:30 AM

Where to watch –
COMCAST 18 – Wallingford only
U-verse 99 – WPAA Community Building TV
Internet – www.wpaa.tv

it would become in Jan 2010