Our community lost a protector, agitator, and contributor on Feb. 27th. What we at WPAA-TV will miss most is his authentic interest in the principles of democracy, love of country and desire to serve for the greater good. During Donald Robert Kennedy Mayoral Candidacy he became aware of what we do at WPAA – TV and Community Media Center.
We saw him a few times a week since. He has a tripod in his trunk on a permanent loan to be a Contributor Photographer. He captured some ‘9 at night pics’ to update Citizen Mike’s Closing Credits. He finally agreed to be credited for the still shots that help make CommUnity Conversations more informative.
He recently sat with Intern Elizabeth Tranzillo to help finalize our new mission pic that includes an image representing Bear, his service dog. Bear has a rug in the editing room ready for his visits with Brad.
He valued his friends like the motto “make new friends but keep the old” … Already missed. Big Blue Hugs to all that share our loss.