Celebrating 20 years of Same Day Sunday. The Board, staff & volunteers of WPAA – TV and Community Media Center are grateful for the video crews that produce content for their communities of faith AND continue to share with #wpaatv for those who find comfort watching TV.
Did U know? In 2005 #wpaatv was the 1st community media station in the ‘nation’ to cablecast church services on the same Sunday that services were recorded. #Innovators
Some community collaborations are decades old: St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Wallingford, CT & First Congregational Church of Wallingford, CT before DVDs. New Life Church CT on boarded with DVDs and Church of the Resurrection joined us during the COVID pandemic. All content is replayed on a pre-arranged schedule weekly. 11 pm and early morning and midday beginning at 1 pm.

Others have come and gone. Reasons vary: Limited volunteers, a preference to drive traffic to their online communities. Relocation.
Walk-in-the-door (now file transfers) ‘community media’ is as important as what is produced in studio #wpaatv. #yourtownyourchannelyourvoice We appreciate the producers and the #wpaatv channel 18 (basic cable) 1070 HD viewers.
2005 VHS Tape and Edit Rooms
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church always had a volunteer at WPAA-TV after service to modify the recorded service with an opening graphic identifying the church and the date and closing credit identifying the pastor, guest pastor, organist etc. First Congregational Church dropped off their recording. By 2009 DVDs were the format of choice. Does anyone remember the weekly open with the cascading break of one of the church’s stained glass windows? It was a bit controversial. There was consensus on the audio message which is no longer part of the production.