R/Evolution: Community Media Moment to be, or not to be

What are the reasonable needs of a community of 45,000 in central CT for access to a means to create, distribute, or merely view media in the public interest? The presumption of those legislatively enabling community media programs or establishing transparency guidelines has been:

Reasonable need is determined based on dialogue between citizen advocates and providers, vendors and production entities with an expectation of consensus of understanding about resources, responsibilities and outcomes that is often memorialized in contracts.

At the April 19th town government budget hearing ‘incompletely’ informed members of the Wallingford Town Council suggested that constituents have a reasonable expectation of “pull” access to content about government inclusive of on-line access for viewing Town Government Meetings. There is evidence that the community is evolving and potentially, as many people as watch on TV  may be interested in on-line access to meeting content. As community media is narrow-casting not broadcasting, reasonable can be determined by the regularity of a few not a high quantity of views.

I would suggest that this public hearing was not dialoguing with a probability of consensus.

The Mayor’s response and related commentary evoke Déjà vu and an expectation that current outcomes would again be subject to the whims of the puppeteer who siloed Public, Education, and Government (PEG) Access in Wallingford in 1993. In fact, this long-standing Mayor chose to demean Community Access which had nothing to do with the current budget discussion. He appeared to conjure up old grudges over parodies created by residents that made him and a few others in places of privilege, uncomfortable. That personal discomfort with Free Speech began the domino effect that makes PEG here different from all other CT communities.

The Mayor is correct about the cost. Supporting infrastructure for online video viewing and management has costs: 1) infrastructure equipment, 2) server capacity [how much, how long], and 3) maintenance (typically ongoing staff time). He is not correct that these costs would adversely impact the 2017 budget; in fact, there might be cost savings.

Since 2014 the Town within the school system technology assets has had both the infrastructure and server capacity.*  It is significantly underutilized by the schools and can be allocated for PEG especially given BOE meetings are captured by WGTV staff.

Currently, WGTV staff creates a DVD of every meeting for a town resident in response to an FOI complaint and lack of access to online meeting content. This process for this one DVD actually takes more time and resources than # 3 maintenance costs would; obviously serving more than one individual in the process. DVD making could be suspended for this individual or others because the system already owned enables files to be downloaded.

Since the Mayor invoked WPAA-TV into this discussion and reasonable need has been established WPAA-TV will provide access to the Unofficial on-line meeting site until such time as ‘Official’ maintenance and management ensues.

Why? Because on June 4 2008 PURA Docket  #08-04-09 affirmed that WPAA remains the community access provider for the Town of Wallingford. And in subsequent dockets, WPAA’s unique responsibilities to ensure reasonable access to community media most notably Docket #99-10-05 affirms this role incorporated in WPAA-TV policy by reference shown below Policy Footnote #3.

In conclusion: the purpose of producing content is for its consumption by as many persons as are interested. TV is now distributed and consumed in a variety of ways. This public hearing conversation further establishes a reasonable need for on-line access to meetings recorded as Government TV thereby making them Government Access TV and the means are already available at no additional cost to taxpayers.

Docket Referencing CAP Responsibility
Docket Referencing CAP Responsibility

a society of insulated subcultures

We are a society of insulated subcultures. The role of money & media in elections helps establish why alternative media is needed. How do you find trusted sources of news? Do you follow one silo of opinions/editorials/commentary? Are you old enough to remember how radio or TV 1st influenced you, your ideas and opinions? Where does your influence come from now? Are you open to broader understanding?

Are you interested in helping create a broader understanding? Is it because you have seen the benefits of diverse ideas brought to bare to solve a problem or leverage an opportunity?

ContribUte in COnversation
You can contribute in Conversation

When you bring more than passion to an idea and have a willingness to listen and collaborate you may find the following to be true:

We try to help you practice this.
We try to help you practice this.

How to be true to Free Speech (Parrhesia)

What is Free Speech?  Is it a prayer, picture, song, rap, poem, story, tweet, blog, flag, bumper-sticker, money, or video even one captured via smartphone? Is it what a politician says to followers, a preacher to those in the pews, a conversation at dinner, a lesson in a classroom, a made for TV movie? Is the message and method of delivery, analogous, or interdependent?

Is it saying whatever comes top of mind: What a bully, robber, abuser says to a victim. Or is it intentional speech?  Is Parrhesia (truth-telling), as explored by French philosopher Michel Foucault, focusing on the truthteller rather than the content, important to the discourse on truth in the modern world?

Speech, Press, Assembly and Religion ... all in 1
Speech, Press, Assembly, petition and Religion … with INTENTION all in 1

In the beginning, our discourse was person to person, face to face or in a letter. The printing press modified speech making by both expanding the audience and creating powers inherent to those in control of the tools. Speech to more than one always came with controls: the ability to assemble people in a community with proximity or the filters of commitment, understanding or bias in the transporting of a message by word of mouth.

In the digital age, Free Speech is morphing once again, creating more challenging times for those of us committed to the ideals underpinning this freedom and the belief that the absence of speech to counter radical views is dangerous for all; that beyond a constitutional right speaking freely embodies the concept of speaking truthfully & boldly with both obligations and risks.

“once we give up on the right to offend in the name of ‘tolerance’ or ‘respect’, we constrain our ability to challenge those in power, and therefore to challenge injustice.” British author Kenan Malik argued in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo massacre

Who is Freeman P Quinn, 1st

Freeman P Quinn, 1st is the Free Speech Ambassador of WPAA-TV and Community Media Center. The slogan “Be Freeman” means to become digitally literate and be open to the opinion of others, not to adopt or follow, but to adjust your own knowing. The tag #AnyoneCanBeFreeman suggests that anyone can be an ambassador of informed free speech and participatory democracy.

Freeman P Quinn is an amalgamation (as best can be managed by volunteers) of our diversity and embodiment of the organization’s mission. Freeman is a resource to build our community at-large and the organization specifically with friend and barn raising encounters.
Role of Freeman
Freeman’s Social Media presence is the organization’s outreach. Posts, Shares and Tags are in support of local community activities. Comments include uplifting Big Blue Hugs and blue bird birthday, sympathy, and congratulations images to connect at a person-to-person level in friendship. More rigorous engagement is inclusive of content references, links, stories, graphics and ‘questions’ intended to facilitate engagement, ensure transparency and inspire deeper knowing.

Backstory: In 2008, Freeman was named via a community naming contest. S/he was originally a blue penguin-like costume of Prinny created for a comic con. The 1st venture of a costumed volunteer into the public arena identified an immediate image problem as the individual was referred to as a “big blue chicken”.

Freeman is an idealized being not any one particular person such as the Executive Director of WPAA-TV. Even Facebook can tell the difference.

Anyone can Be Freeman
Anyone can Be Freeman

About Blue Penguins: They are loyal community of flightless birds. They co-parent, have excellent hearing and are not particularly fearful of humans as maybe they should be. Each penguin has a unique voice. They perceive their environments through visual, auditory, tactile and chemical stimuli. Blue penguins are mainly nocturnal. They perform most of their activity during the night in small groups of ten or less. They are not migratory. They stay close to their colonies. Inter-penguin interactions might include offers of rocks as a gifts.

Messages from God … Freeman says

In-person and on-line today, senior women saying they are hearing the voice of God connected with Freeman.

This is the Home of Free Speech and the in-person visit by the resident needed to get the same access to resource usage as anyone else.

I tried to discern if she had skills to relay stories, share information in any kind of organized or persuasive manner. I confessed that I did not believe in God, had some familiarity with murder and had no true interest in her content. But I did feel compelled to inform her about the power of the tools and the risks she might be subject to.

We left it that if in further conversations with God she was still moved to make a video of something on her mind that we would provide her with a private room and camera rolling to “capture’ her story. That we were otherwise booked until April. We would prep the file for TV and have her come back in a few days to sign a media release and make plans for airing her show; unless the voice of God gave her a different message and suggests we do not proceed.

I told her the story about making a Bullying PSA that could have resulted in the Producer becoming more likely to be bullied; further sharing that together, with our understanding of the resources and her passions we create as best we can what was intended.

Within the hour Freeman gets a Friend Request:  I wanted someone I could tell to help me out with something God wants me to do to the world.

Okay this ol’ bird may need some intervention of liquid spirits.

Put the story first

The biggest challenge to effective citizen media is not the technology or lack of funds and/or public support. It is ego.

The hosts, talent, and crew that put the story 1st, succeed. Storytelling is the original social medium for humans. At its best, it is emotional and creates personal value. It is in our DNA. You are not what makes what you are showing or exploring have value it is the connections made in the telling that create the value.

If you let you in your work be invisible; the storytelling will benefit. Apply what you know. Create a compelling open, let the images speak, take the unexpected gifts from serendipity, volunteer crew, and the unplanned with openness. Stay connected to what you are trying to share because if you lose your way so will the viewer.

Good luck.

Contributor Bradford May: Our Sincere Thanks

Photography Contributor
Bradford May – Photography Contributor

Our community lost a protector, agitator, and contributor on Feb. 27th. What we at WPAA-TV will miss most is his authentic interest in the principles of democracy, love of country and desire to serve for the greater good. During Donald Robert Kennedy Mayoral Candidacy he became aware of what we do at WPAA – TV and Community Media Center.

We saw him a few times a week since. He has a tripod in his trunk on a permanent loan to be a Contributor Photographer. He captured some ‘9 at night pics’ to update Citizen Mike’s Closing Credits. He finally agreed to be credited for the still shots that help make CommUnity Conversations more informative.

He recently sat with Intern Elizabeth Tranzillo to help finalize our new mission pic that includes an image representing Bear, his service dog. Bear has a rug in the editing room ready for his visits with Brad.

He valued his friends like the motto “make new friends but keep the old” … Already missed. Big Blue Hugs to all that share our loss.

Sincerity and integrity are hallmarks of service: Let Us Celebrated

Behind every phrase of service is a powerful story.

“How can I be of help?” she asked,
“I have a good idea,” he said,
You have a story to share. “Yes, we can.”
“We’ll do it together,” they offered.
“We’ll be right here until it’s done.”
“Let’s do it this way, it is more fun!”
“It’s what we’re here for it’s no fuss.”
“You have an idea, let’s flesh it out.”
“Call us back if you should need us.”
“You need our help, no problem.”
“Oh, I’m just glad to do my part.”
“Come this way, We’ll show you the tools.”
“Goodness no, I don’t want pay.”
“You can do it, I’ll show you how.”
“You need it when? I’ll do it now.”
“If you need anything I’m right here.”
“Who am I? A Volunteer.”
“Who are you? “You can be a Contributor.”

We are here so you can Contribute to your Community's Media.
We are here so you can Contribute to your Community’s Media.