The largest 2017 film project The Sparrow Falling involved over 80 talented community volunteers including writers, actors, stage crew and video production and effects. The bulk of the filming was done over an eight month period with dates or consecutive days reserved for shoots ranging from 2 to 18 hours long. In addition to providing studioW as tools and stage inclusive of a 4-K camera the producer had one wpaa-tv volunteer for audio/visual tech support throughout. Through a Partnership Agreement with the writer/producer supplemental support inclusive of craft services, props, set items, college intern supervision, shout-outs for crew and background actors, and more helped keep this artist collective of sparrows moving forward.
Here is episode one of ten from this film project..
Two other short films are currently in production. These projects have used tools like the green screen, teleprompter, lights and have had scenes staged on location.
What Board Members had to say about this initiative.
I am comfortable with the guidelines developed from this 1st years experience. They should help ensure the overall success of additional film venture as well as safeguard the space for the primary users local citizens that make TV. C. Huizenga