Good Enough To Share Courtesy of Your Neighbors

Neighbors view content believed to be worthy of their time, courtesy of community members. Thanks to all the guarantors; especially; long-time participants: Mr. Krupp (RIP), Mike Spiteri, David Burghardt, Lisa Catherine, Rich Mavrogreanes, Wallingford Public Library, and SCOW. The Folklorist NewTV’s Emmy® award-winning original program provided glimpses into the lesser-known occurrences in history when represented by Craig Fishbein. Mike brings daily Independent News Democracy Now to Wallingford. Lisa represents good music. David is our Throwback Movies Guy. This content plays at the stroke of midnight to begin Thursdays: Creature Feature Horror, Classic movies, intermingled with B&W public domain. Rich connects us to UCTV and other informational content. More participants can be located here.

About the Good Enough To Share Program

The media release begins: ‘Thanks for your interest in the Guarantor Program Good Enough to Share at WPAA-TV.” Email correspondence confirms the program, its source, and the agreement to be affiliated with content promotion. The guarantor is asked to reply to an email with their details.

 A Guarantor is someone 1) registered with WPAA-TV, 2) passionate about the subject matter, or free speech, and 3) who by publicly being affiliated with the content will take responsibility, for any local interest, and feedback. Guarantors can share the content play schedule with the community via social media or word-of-mouth. The Guarantor’s name is added to the WPAA-TV website as the individual(s) helping to bring content to Wallingford. This individual will also be identified in program promotion-related Social Media.

There are two ways to participate:  1) WPAA-TV can suggest video programs already in compliance with local non-commercial policy and have copyright clearance for redistribution as local TV to individuals interested in supporting the local play of informing content. All programs are of good technical quality and can be acquired at no cost to individuals or WPAA-TV. 2) Prospective guarantors can identify content developed elsewhere and secure permissions to re-distribute. In this instance, the User takes responsibility for compliance with all content issues including copyright.

Most of our global news content is curated through the #GoodEnough2Share program. It aligns with a Think Global, Act Local worldview. Mr. Krupp felt others should be interested in global affairs. This is America and the World and Conflict Zone (30 minutes weekly) were shows he represented.

As Guarantor of “Conflict Zone ” I, “James A. G. Krupp” accept responsibility to be the local representative of media created by Deutshe Welle  for re-distribution by Wallingford Public Access Association Inc. (WPAATV).  I agree to have my name publicly affiliated with the appearance of this program on WPAATV.   I understand this program is noncommercial. I understand the content complies with the policy.

I understand that WPAA-TV is relying upon this Agreement and its representations for the legal distribution of the named media under its Guarantor Program.

Organizations Participate in Good Enough To Share

ABOUT BOOKS is a collection of conversations with authors ‘represented by’ the Wallingford Public Library. It includes the nationally syndicated show Book Lust with Nancy Pearl produced in Seatle. Other content may be sourced from the Library of Congress, National Archives, universities, or Community Television stations.

About Authors and Books in collaboration with Wallingford Public Library

In2Languages is not only represented by SCOW it helps fulfill our obligation to do what other channels managed in town are not committed to doing. We use current global news, arts, and technology news magazines produced in Germany by DW to assist community members with language literacy. This collaboration began as a pilot in 2013. It expanded to 4 shows, midday, 6 days a week in English then Spanish, Spanish then English in 2017.

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